Friday, February 11, 2011

Sacre (Tory) Bleu! Another Liberal MPP To Quit?

Veteran Liberal MPP Jean-Marc Lalonde could become the 10th member of Dalton's conniving crew to say "Au revoir."

En francais, the above article says that Monsieur Lalonde will decide whether to wave the white flag after the budget in March. Lalonde actually survived the Liberal decimations in 1995 and 1999, but the prospect of facing Tim Hudak in 2011 has him hedging his bets.

How do you say, "Dalton is completely boned" in French?


  1. And it doesn't occur to you that his age (born 1935: i.e., 76) and/or health might have something to do with it?

    How do you say "bone-headed" in French? Oh yeah: le clown à minuit

  2. @WhigWag: Maybe Hudak will run Lalonde as a candiate for the PCs.

  3. Maybe Hudak will run Lalonde as a candiate for the PCs?

  4. Calme-toi, WiggityWack, or you might embarass yourself. The article says that Lalonde was thinking about jumping ship to run for mayor of Clarence-Rockland just a few months ago and he still hasn't ruled out running next time. So far as I know you need to be in good health to run for mayor of a city. Can't you Liberals read French?

    "L'été dernier, certains observateurs croyaient que M. Lalonde allait sauter dans l'arène municipale pour tenter de remplacer son frère, Richard Lalonde, à la mairie de Clarence-Rockland."

    Dalton is boned, and you, mon ami, just got owned.

  5. Mayors of small towns (pop. of C-R <21,000) don't have to put in much time on the job and don't have to commute back & forth to Queen's Park/Toronto, bonehead.

  6. So it's a question of how much time he wants to put into representing his constituents, then? You're really not helping the man's case.

  7. He's pushing 80, he's slowing down, he's thinking about going for an easier job or retiring altogether. Your trying to make something out of that is just... clownish.

  8. OK, I guess since Monte Kwinter is older than Lalonde, you think Kwinter should start thinking about retiring too?
